The Face Behind It All

Back in 2012, I encountered a huge mountain that I did not know would take eleven years to climb to the top. Imagine an eight year old little girl being told that she has been diagnosed with Crohn's dis-ease. I was terrified for my life as I did not know exactly what my future would look like pertaining to this challenge. I remember asking my parents "Am I going to die?" and "Am I going to be okay?." 

For nine years I was on westernized medicine. Yes, the symptoms didn't appear much but the root cause was being masked. There was a temporary bandaid that I knew had to come off soon. At eighteen years old, I knew that this was not the life I wanted for myself. Going to the hospital once a month was not the definition of Eliana's life. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands, risking it all. 

Going the natural way to heal myself was one of the best decisions I've made. It was definitely not an easy task. Not only did I have to deal with withdrawal but I had to deal with westernized doctors. They did not want to lose me as a patient because patient=$. So, they put the most obscure ideas in my head but I did not let that stop me. I proved them all wrong. 

I want to give a huge shoutout to Dr. Lynch. He has helped me in my healing journey by having me on his natural treatment. It took eleven months for me to be done with his strict regimen. It was definitely worth it because now I feel re-born. I finally feel like I can breathe and enjoy the life I deserve. 

I want to thank my parents for being apart of my journey and being a huge support. I know it was not easy for them to have to witness their youngest go through so much, at such a young age. 

I want to thank God for not giving up on me. God has showed me so much throughout these years. Now I walk by faith, not by fear. When I was younger I questioned God "Why Me?" but all along God knew my purpose before I did. It's time to show the world why I was chosen, I'M READY!!